Here’s a list of words & phrases you’ll hear in the dojo, in both Japanese & Englis.
Pronunciation: Terms are written here in approximate Roman letter equivalents. Vowels are pronounced much as they are in Spanish. Thus:
- a = ah, as in saw
- e = ay, as in hay
- i = ee, as in knee
- o = oh, as in so
- u = oo, as in tube
Japanese often drops i and u between consonants. Shiko is pronounced “shkow”; mokuso is pronounced “mowk’so.” Consonants are pronounced as in Spanish.
General Terms
Karate-Do | Way of the Empty Hand |
Shihan | Master, founder |
Sensei | Teacher, instructor |
Dojo | Practice hall |
Gi | Practice uniform |
Obi | Belt |
Sempai | Senior student |
Kohai | Junior student |
Kyu | Class, ranking |
Dan | Degree |
Seiza | Kneel |
Rei | Bow |
Shomen-ni rei | Bow of respect for the activity of Karate and the dojo |
Sensei-ni rei | Bow of respect for teacher and the instruction |
Kiai | Yell |
Ki | Breath, energy, spirit |
Tachi/Dachi | Stance |
Uke | Guard |
Tsuki/Zuki | Punch |
Keri/Geri | Kick |
Jiyu-Kumite | Free-fighting |
Chudan | Middle |
Jodan | Upper |
Gedan | Lower |
Kumite | Fighting |
Kata | Pre-arranged form |
Kiotsukei | Attention Stance |
Yoi | Ready, get ready |
Hajime | Begin |
Yame | Stop or finish, return to ready position |
Naore | Return to attention position |
Mawate | Turn around |
Mokuso | Meditate |
Hai | Yes, agree |
Osu | Formal affirmation, “Yes sir/ma’am!” |
Zanshin | Awareness |
Kime | Definition |
Hara | Middle/stomach, seat of the soul |
Gyaku | Reverse |
Hiku | Pulling (hiki-te = pulling hand) |
Kamae | General posture of the whole body |
Mae | Front |
Mushin | No mind, clearing mind of obstacles |
Te | Hand |
Ushiro | Back |
Types of Stances (Tachi)
Musubidachi | Attention position |
Heisokudachi | Heels and toes together |
Sotohachijidachi | Ready stance |
Zenkutsudachi | Forward stance |
Kibadachi | Horse riding stance |
Shikodachi | Square stance |
Kokutsudachi | Back stance |
Nekoashidachi | Cat stance |
Seishandachi | Pigeon-toed with heel and toe on one line |
Tate seishandachi | Forward seishandachi |
Striking Surfaces
Seiken | Forefist |
Uraken | Backfist |
Ipponken | One-knuckle fist |
Tetsui | Hammer hand |
Shotei | Heel of palm |
Shuto | Knife-hand |
Nukite | Spear hand |
Haito | Ridge hand |
Hiji/Empi | Elbow |
Sokuto | Sword edge (outside edge of foot) |
Kakato | Heel |
Haisoku | Instep |
Hiza | Knee |
Types of Guards (Uke)
Gedan barai | Lower block |
Jodan uke | Upper block |
Soto uke | Inside to Outside block |
Uchi uke | Outside to inside block (striking block) |
Shuto uke | Knife-hand block |
Hiji uke | Elbow block |
Types of Punches (Tsuki)
Sonoba-zuki | Punching in place |
Jun-zuki | Forward punch |
Gyaku-zuki | Reverse punch |
Jun-zuki no tsukomi | Deep forward punch |
Gyaku-zuki no tsukomi | Deep reverse punch |
Tobikomi-zuki | Sliding forward punch |
Nagashi-zuki | Sliding sideways punch |
Kette _______-zuki | Kick and punch |
Types of Kicks (Keri)
Maegeri | Front snap kick |
Mawashigeri | Round-house kick |
Sokuto | Side-thrust kick |
Ushirogeri | Back kick |
Hizageri | Knee kick |
Other Techniques
Uraken uchi | Back fist strike |
Tettsui uchi | Hammer fist strike |
Shuto uchi | Sword hand strike |
Nukite | Spear hand strike |
Empi uchi | Elbow strike |
Numbers (Cardinal)
Ichi | One |
Ni | Two |
San | Three |
Shi | Four |
Go | Five |
Roku | Six |
Shichi | Seven |
Hachi | Eight |
Ku | Nine |
Ju | Ten |
Numbers (Ordinal)
Shodan | First |
Nidan | Second |
Sandan | Third |
Yondan | Fourth |
Godan | Fifth |
Miscellaneous Terms
Tameshiwari | Board breaking |
Makiwara | Punching board |
Hachimaki | Headband |
Ashi barai | Foot sweep |
Nunchaku | Two sticks joined by chain |
Sai | Short pronged swords |
Bo | Long staff (6 feet) |
Jo | Short staff (3 feet) |
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