Brown Belt (1st Kyu)

At this level, the brown belt student should demonstrate profound commitment, dedication, and self-motivation in his or her training.


  • Kihon no tsuki | Basic Punches
    • Sonoba-zuki
    • Jun-zuki
    • Gyaku-zuki
    • Jun-zuki no tsukomi
    • Gyaku-zuki no tsukomi
    • Kette jun-zuki
    • Kette gyaku-zuki
    • Kette jun-zuki no tsukomi
    • Kette gyaku-zuki no tsukomi
  • Kihon no keri | Basic Kicks
    • Maegeri: chudan, jodan, gedan
    • Mawashigeri: chudan, jodan, gedan
    • Sokuto: chudan, jodan, gedan
  • Kihon no uke | Basic Guards
    • Jodan-uke
    • Gedan-barai
    • Soto-uke
    • Uchi-uke
    • Shuto-uke (in Cat Stance)

Other techniques

  • Tobikomi-zuki
  • Nagashi-zuki


  • UC Berkeley Basic Kata, #1 – 5
  • Pinan Kata, #1 – 5
  • Advanced Kata Naihanchi, Kushanku, Seishan


  • Kiso Kumite, #1 & 2
  • Kihon Kumite, #1 – 4
  • Jiyu Kumite: rhythm, controlling the flow of energy

Karate Terms

  • Seishandachi – Pigeon-toed with heel and toe on one line
  • Tate seishandachi – Forward seishandachi

Other Skills and Knowledge

  • Teaching basic techniques and Katas
  • Most advanced club organizational participation