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Black Belt Candidate – UC Berkeley Karate Club

Black Belt Candidate

The student at this level, in addition to strong general proficiency, must develop an understanding of the significance of the techniques and the perception of the correspondences between basic techniques, the advanced versions found in Katas, and the free-form versions used in sparring.

He or she must be able to communicate this understanding & perception as well as be able to effectively teach this to karateka (students).


  • Kihon no tsuki | Basic Punches
    • Sonoba-zuki
    • Jun-zuki
    • Gyaku-zuki
    • Jun-zuki no tsukomi
    • Gyaku-zuki no tsukomi
    • Kette jun-zuki
    • Kette gyaku-zuki
    • Kette jun-zuki no tsukomi
    • Kette gyaku-zuki no tsukomi
  • Kihon no keri | Basic Kicks
    • Maegeri: chudan, jodan, gedan
    • Mawashigeri: chudan, jodan, gedan
    • Sokuto: chudan, jodan, gedan
  • Kihon no uke | Basic Guards
    • Jodan-uke
    • Gedan-barai
    • Soto-uke
    • Uchi-uke
    • Shuto-uke (in Cat Stance)

Other techniques

  • Tobikomi-zuki
  • Nagashi-zuki


  • UC Berkeley Basic Kata, #1 – 5
  • Pinan Kata, #1 – 5
  • Advanced Kata Naihanchi, Kushanku, Seishan


  • Kiso Kumite, #1 & 2
  • Kihon Kumite, #1 – 4
  • Jiyu Kumite: Fluidity, Creativity, Spontaneity


Oral examination on any aspect or combination of aspects of Karate