The Purple Belt must have especially good spirit and enthusiasm.
He or she also should now combine power with correct form, good balance, and speed.
- Kihon no tsuki | Basic Punches
- Sonoba-zuki
- Jun-zuki
- Gyaku-zuki
- Jun-zuki no tsukomi
- Gyaku-zuki no tsukomi
- Kette jun-zuki
- Kette gyaku-zuki
- Kihon no keri | Basic Kicks
- Maegeri: chudan, jodan, gedan
- Mawashigeri: chudan, jodan, gedan
- Sokuto: chudan, jodan
- Kihon no uke | Basic Guards
- Jodan-uke
- Gedan-barai
- Soto-uke
- Uchi-uke
- Shuto-uke (in Cat Stance)
- UC Berkeley Basic Kata, #1 – 5
- Pinan Shodan (#1)
- Pinan Nidan (#2)
- Pinan Sandan (#3)
- Pinan Yodan (#4)
- Pinan Godan (#5)
- Kiso Kumite, #1 & 2
- Kihon Kumite #1 – 3
- Jiyu Kumite: anticipation & feinting
Other Skills & Knowledge
- Knowledge of how to lead warm-ups
- More advanced organizational participation (i.e., the coordination of flyer campaigns and other basic organizational activities)
- Advanced protocol and etiquette